Bachelor of Special Needs Education


Bachelor of Special Needs Education

The Bachelor of Special Needs Education Graduates can:

● Provide respectful and meaningful learning experiences through communicating effectively and collaborative opportunities for students with additional needs and their families in different settings and concerns that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences.

● Create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive, and exhibit proficiency in responding effectively to the feelings of learners with giftedness, talents, and disabilities by exercising proper care, understanding, and respect to promote better learning environments for students with exceptionalities.

● Use evidence-based instructional strategies, knowledge of general and specialized curricula, and multiple methods of assessment to maximize learning opportunities and support learner understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement across a wide range of performances for students with exceptional needs.

● Demonstrate reflective thinking and professional self-direction to perform 7 effectively and efficiently in the workplace regardless of the challenges by taking responsibility and accountability for actions, articulating thoughts and ideas and maintaining a positive attitude towards learning.